Tonic Clonic or Grand Mal Seizures

This seizure is a violent and very dramatic form of epilepsy. It is characterized by the person suddenly falling rigid and unconscious to the ground and shaking with vigorous and regular muscle contractions.

Saliva may bubble from the mouth and the individual may bite his/her tongue or lip. Breathing is impaired and the person may gasp for breath and may sometimes soil him or herself.

The seizures are usually over within a few minutes after which the person may experience drowsiness and confusion.

First Aid for Tonic Clonic seizures

-Keep Calm

-Roll the person onto his/her side and loosen clothing.

-Remove hazardous objects that can cause injury.

-Offer support and reassurance when the person returns to conciousness and get medical help if the seizure continues for more than 10 minutes or if another seizure begins.


-move the person unnecessarily

-try to force anything into the mouth or place keys/metals objects in the hand

-try to stop the seizure, you can't!